Good Qualities Of An Employee — Top 11 Things To Look For

Employee Management Solution
5 min readJan 13, 2021


What are the top qualities of a good employee? Well, take a minute, and think about it! Because next time, when you will get interviewed for any job, the qualities the company possesses are vital to look out for. Knowing what all these top employee characteristics are & then preparing yourself for giving an interview can help benefit you a lot.

There are way more good qualities of an employee every job recruiter takes into account while hiring. Some of them are; punctual, organized, positive attitude, etc. So, these were some of the qualities that every recruiter looks for while hiring any employee for their company. But as we discussed earlier, there are a lot more qualities. And to help you understand them in a much better manner, the ruling employee management software- EmpMonitor has rounded up 07 key characteristics of a unicorn employee or good employee!

1. Team Player

Okay, so we are heading up with one of the typical yet fundamental employee features, but note that it is a vital one to have! One thing is having an individual who can lead a team but, if you can communicate with all team members and work as an equal, that is something really unique. Organizations who want sustained success require a team player on hand, and it is one of the most vital qualities of a unicorn employee.

2. An Outstanding Communicator

Uniting with the team player theme, interacting well with other employees is a crucial part of working with a team and providing help to others within the organization. Well, wait a minute! It is not all about how well you are communicating with others, it is about knowing how to speak up with the higher-levels and lastly identifying when to diversify your own praises.

3. Raise Up Your Voice For Valuable Terms In Meetings

Well, companies not only look for a good communicator, but they also look for someone who is not afraid or shy to speak up. Even if you don’t find anything that interesting to talk about, only asking them a relatable question or supporting any fellow employees’ ideas can go a long way to creating a lasting impact.

4. Dress For The Success

It really does not matter whether the company has a dress code or not (A blazer and a tie)! What matters is how confident and realistic you are in your dress. Make sure you dress up like it ain’t nobody’s business, but you should look that impactful in formals that it makes the interviewer bound to make you in. Remember, your style and the way you dress reflects your inner personality too.

5. “Take Charge” Attitude

The good qualities of an employee like this one are really huge! Why? Well, companies do not want someone to shrug their shoulders and think there is nothing they can do about it when they get to face a difficult challenge, a roadblock, or even low team spirit. They want an employee who takes all the charge and stands up for the right cause.

6. Leadership Opportunities

Not a single employee gets a promotion by just sitting around and waiting for some miracle to happen. Organizations look for employees who contribute and take up the responsibility to lead a project with 100% confidence. Remember, a leader is always ready to get started.

7. Never Compares Themselves To Others

Just like one should never compare themselves to anyone in personal life, it is also vital for everyone to never match themselves to their colleagues or fellow employees in the office. See, if one of the X employees got an instant promotion or increment after completing only 06 months in the company, it doesn’t mean at all that you would also get the same. You have to focus on your own achievements and should continue doing better for your own self.

8. They Are Always On Time

It is not so because clocking in on the exact time is compulsory, but because it proves how serious the employee is and cares about the company’s rules & regulations. Along with that, showing up on time for several meetings also shows their dedication towards the work.

9. Carefully Listens To The Feedback

Ahh, now this quality is really very crucial. Any employee who doesn’t takes feedback personally but seriously can literally make an immense impact on the bottom line. But sometimes, most of the employees take negative feedback very personally, and this affects their overall work as well.

Look feedbacks are vital to helping the employees boost their confidence level along with productivity level too. So, whether it’s negative or positive feedback from your seniors or HRs, you should always be ready to accept everything positively and try to work even more better.

10. Avoids Gossips

Who does not love gossiping or bitching? Everyone, right! But when it comes to corporate places, it is vital to keep this attitude outside. Because doing this will only create a negative atmosphere in the office. And avoiding such things can even lead to insider threat management too.

So, turn that chirpy and professional mode on while you are at the office place. Of course, when you are out chilling with your friends in any cafe or restaurant, you can surely bitch about who’s ex followed you on Instagram, but not about your boss or office! Sorry!

11. Optimistic

Remember, an optimistic employee can bring way more new and creative ideas, along with providing new prospects and can thus make the un-matched opinions of different employees come to a concluding point for any united purpose.

So, you have to bring that optimistic behavior to keep the team members focused all the time. Not it down, this is the last but another essential quality that you need to put on.

Also watch: Manage Remote Work Easily With Powerful Monitoring Software: EmpMonitor(EmpMonitor AV Ad)


Thus, these were some of the top qualities that any employee must have! If you really want to make that first impression, the last one in front of your boss or interviewer, then do keep those points or qualities in mind. So, wherever you go on giving an interview for any job, these qualities can help you get a big ‘YES’ from the interviewer. Also, those good qualities of an employee will benefit you in the future too.



Employee Management Solution
Employee Management Solution

Written by Employee Management Solution


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